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Available courses

  • A short course for radiographers working in diagnostic radiography. The package is designed to provide update training on a range of current issues in radiation protection.

    Self enrolment: Update Training for Radiographers
  • This is the second of short courses for radiographers working in diagnostic radiography. The package is designed to provide update training on a range of current issues in radiation protection.

  • A short course for staff working in diagnostic radiology. The package is designed to provide an update on the recent changes to the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 and The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017.

  • A short course for staff working in diagnostic radiology. The package is designed to provide an update on a range of recently published radiation protection guidance.

  • A short course for staff working in diagnostic radiology. The package is designed to provide an update on a range of current issues in radiation protection.

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